Pal Hospital Eyetec Clinics & The Children Centre is one of the oldest hospital in city. Dr Dharam pal founded this hospital in 1958. Hospital is covering three major domains A. Piles, B. Eyetec Clinics, C. Children Center.
Cataract surgery discounts
Mon - Sat: 9:30AM - 7:00PM, 24hrs Emergency Sun: 11:00AM - 2:00PM(strictly with appointment only)

Piles & General

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Piles(Haemorrhoids) Treatment

We understand that Piles ( Bavasir ) may not be a subject you feel comfortable talking about, but there is no need to suffer in silence. If you have piles, you are not alone. It is estimated that piles will affect at least 50% population at some point during their lives, that makes it one in two of us! A medical history followed by visual examination of the anus is usually enough. However, a digital examination and Proctoscopy ( a scope is inserted to examine the anal canal ) is done to confirm the diagnosis. At times a Barium study or Colonoscopy may be advised if your doctor suspects any other cause of bleeding that needs to be ruled out.

Causes of Piles
  • Constipation – Most common cause
  • Hard stools/ Straining during bowel movement
  • Faulty toilet habits ( sitting on the toilet for a long time ex. reading )
  • Family history
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Obesity
Symptoms of Piles
  • Painless bleeding while passing stools
  • Feeling a lump outside the anus
  • Pruritus ani or itching around the anus
  • Faecal soiling of undergarments
  • If a blood clot forms in the haemorrhoid ( Thrombosed haemorrhoid ) it leads to a severely painful swelling which worsens with bowel movement and sitting.

When we work

Opening Hours

Monday 9.30AM - 7.00PM
Tuesday 9.30AM - 7.00PM
Wednesday 9.30AM - 7.00PM
Thursday 9.30AM - 7.00PM
Friday 9.30AM - 7.00PM
Saturday 9.30AM - 7.00PM
Sunday 11:00AM - 2:00PM(appointment only)
General Surgeon and Physician, Piles Surgeon

50+ Years Experience

Contact us for more information on +91-9872377155, 0181-2227155