Best Child Specialist in Jalandhar
Dr. Saloni Bansal is a well known Child Specialist in Jalandhar. She has 16+ years experience as paediatrician. Earlier she provided her services in the Civil Hospital, Jalandhar. Dr. Saloni Bansal is in the field of Child Care since 2006.
NICU in Jalandhar
When babies are born early, have health problems, or a difficult birth they go to the hospital’s NICU. NICU stands for “neonatal intensive care unit.” There, babies get around-the-clock care from a team of experts
Happy Diwali
Wishing you a happy and blessed Diwali!
Hepatitis B – The Virus and Disease
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infects more than 300 million people worldwide and is a common cause of liver disease and liver cancer. HBV, a member of the Hepadnaviridae family, is a small DNA virus with unusual features similar to retroviruses.